Time: 2:00 PM
Room: OEC B
Using HTMX to make awesome server side web apps
In this session, we will learn how to create better user experiences in server-side web apps using HTMX and very little JavaScript. We will go on a real-world journey starting from a web app with a small React-powered front end with a JSON web API to a frontend powered by HTMX and Python/Django in the backend generating the HTML. Along the way, we will learn what HTMX is good for and what it isn’t the best for, along with how it can work well for any backend tech stack.
We will cover how to build the following dynamic elements using HTMX and standard server-side rendering:
- Click to edit / edit row
- Lazy Loading
- Active Search
- Modal forms
- 2 Selects Related

Kurt Wiersma
Principal Cloud Architect
Punch Through
Kurt is a Principal Cloud Architect for Punch Through from Minneapolis, MN. Over the course of his over 20 year career he has built primary web based applications using many different technologies including Java, CFML, Javascript, and C#. Lately his favorites are Python with Django along with TypeScript or HTMX on the frontend. In his free time he enjoys hiking with his family and playing tennis.