HomeOpen Source North

Time: 3:00 PM

Room: OEC C

Full Stack Improv

You name it, we'll build it. If a live demo feels too polished without enough opportunities for things to go wrong, let's throw out the script and do it live. We'll pick a JavaScript framework and a database and build a full stack application from scratch. If you are a full stack application developer or if you're a frontend or backend developer wondering how everything ties together in a modern application, this will be an exciting ride worth joining.

bio of Luke Schlangen

Luke Schlangen

Developer Advocate


I am a JavaScript developer advocate at Google who believes learning follows excitement. I like giving approachable talks for beginners, because everyone is a beginner at something.

I previously taught at a coding bootcamp. After that, I led an onboarding program for new software engineers at a Fortune 500 company. Now at Google, I like to help developers deploy their applications to places like Google Cloud Run and Google Kubernetes Engine.

Outside of my work at Google, I am a co-founder of Code Championship: a competitive computer coding program for 3rd to 9th grade students.

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