HomeOpen Source North

Time: 11:00 AM

Room: ASC A

From Testing to Observing: Synthetic Monitoring Unpacked

Synthetic monitoring allows you to track user pathways using global testing infrastructure to gauge the influence of web and front-end performance on user experience. It provides comprehensive insight into your website's performance, functionality, and availability from development to production, allowing you to identify and resolve issues before they affect your customers.

This talk will outline how to start synthetic monitoring, compare it to traditional testing methods that emulate the user path, and walk you through how to start using it.

bio of Jessica Garson

Jessica Garson

Senior Developer Advocate


Jessica Garson is a Python programmer, educator, and artist. She currently works at Elastic as a Senior Developer Advocate. Previously, Jessica was at Twitter for four years, working in Developer Relations. She has spoken at conferences all over the globe, ranging from PyCon to Write the Docs.

In her spare time, she uses code and modular synthesizers to make music and audio-reactive video art.

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