HomeOpen Source North

Time: 9:00 AM

Room: OEC C

Automating Toil In Your Day-to-Day Life

Weekly status. Project updates. A couple of examples of things I don't want to do, but management needs me to do it. What if I could automate these repeatable tasks that I don't get value out of performing? I will talk about automating the toil out of my daily and weekly tasks that aren't technology-related. I will give examples of how I've used automation to make my life better.

bio of Bob Longmore

Bob Longmore

Technical Solutions Architect

World Wide Technology

Bob Longmore has a long career in technology dating back to what his kids call "last century." Bob is currently a Solutions Architect for the global systems integrator and solutions provider, WWT. In this capacity he helps large organizations around the globe with their infrastructure automation strategies.

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