Open Source North
05.29.2025 | St. Paul, MN
Celebrating 10 Years of learning, sharing, and connecting™. Early Bird tickets will go on sale Monday, March 24 ($199).
Become a Sponsor
OSN strives to create an experience that sponsors want to be a part of year after year. We are committed to earning your trust and providing value.
Apply to SponsorCall for Speakers
#osn2025 is looking for speakers! We are open to all sorts of open source, enterprise application presentation topics.
Call for SpeakersCelebrating 10 years of learning, sharing, and connecting™.
About OSN
Since the beginning, OSN has always been about bringing sponsors, speakers, and attendees together to learn, share, and connect™. Over the years, nearly 8,000 people have been a part of the OSN community through our conferences, speaker series events, and kick-off happy hours.
The Venue
The 2025 Open Source North Conference will be back at the University of St. Thomas on Thursday, May 29.
OSN Community
OSN is dedicated to building a thriving community that attendees will want to engage with year after year. We believe in the power of connection and collaboration, and we strive to create an environment where ideas flourish.